Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dry lips?

Keep your lips smooth and kissable! :) Its weird but it works, Use Nivea Creme and apply it to your lips everyday before going to bed. I said this before, It moisturizes the skin. ;)
I've tried it before. :D
Visit for more info about nivea creme!
be happy!

i hope this helps.
Good luck and God bless

Dry hands?

Want soft hands?
Use Nivea Creme in your hands every night before going to bed, It moisturize your hands and make your hands soft :)
Some soaps make your hand dry, So pick a soap with moisturizing effect like Dove.

I hope this helps.
Good luck and God bless


I will share to you some treatments for this common skin disease usually occurs in adolescence.
Here's how:

!.) Wash your face 2x a day. If you have extremely oily skin, Wash your face 3x a day. Use a mild cleanser like Cetaphil. Cetaphil is great and it works well. Its safe for sensitive skin. Don't overwash your face. You'll just end up in dry skin which make your problem worse.

2.) Don't pinch, squeeze or pop your pimples especially in the danger triangle of our face. They are connected directly in to brain, so if you pop your pimple in this area, you might get an infection to your brain, and can cause Cancer.

3.) Don't touch your face!

4.) Be happy!


I hope this helps! :) especially to all the people who have sensitive skin!
Good luck!